Ko wai ahau?
Kia Ora!
He uri ahau nō Te Whānau a Pararaki, ko Te Maru o Hinemākaho te Marae, ko Tawhitinui te maunga, ko Tauranga te awa, ko Tauiramaitawhiti te waka.
Ko te kuti, ko te haua, ko te wera, e ko Apanui e!
I'm Erica - a freelance photographer and many other things. When I'm not busy with my whānau or talking on Taringa podcast, I'm behind the camera capturing the beauty of kaupapa Māori. My specialties include: photographing Iwi, Hapu & Marae based projects or commercial, branding, advertising, archival, and even stock photography. And, as an avid lover of the outdoors and the moana, I'm always excited when my work allows me to meet new people, learn new things and shoot in stunning, fresh scenery.
With 10 years of experience as a photographer, and a Bachelor of Media Arts degree under my belt, I'm pleased to say that I run my own business and have a loyal clientele who appreciate my passion for kaupapa Māori
As a photographer, te ao Māori is at the heart of my identity. I take pride in capturing our stories, preserving our values, and showcasing our people. If you're after someone who loves what they do and knows how to capture the heart of kaupapa Māori, ko au tēna! Send me an email through my contact page, and let's see what we can create.
TRUESTOCK - Check us out if you’re looking for NZ Stock photos
TARINGA - I’m also a host on Taringa podcast (also on Spotify, Apple podcast etc.)